Viihdekuoroliitto ry.
(entertainment choir federation, registered association)

Viihdekuoroliitto is an active central organization established in 1994 consisting of those choirs and singing groups which focus on rhythmic music. It is the newest of the six independent special federations in Suomen Laulajain ja Soittajain Liitto (Federation of the singers and players in Finland) having joined it at the beginning of 2014, when it will celebrate its twenty-year of existence. Our principal value is in joy of making music and that`s the reason why all groups interested in choir singing are welcome to join Viihdekuoroliiitto regardless their skills and backgrounds.


Some of the most visible forms of activity of Vii… are different kinds of training events both for singers and conductors. Choirs can also order education materials tailored to the needs of their own from Viihdekuoroliitto.


The national choir days Kuorotellen (singing in the choir) are organized on a regular basis. During those days entertainment choir music is heard at its best, new contacts are established throughout Finland, participants can educate themselves and fine prizes are given away. As a member of Sulasol Viihdekuoroliitto also attends at the national singing and music festivals with long-term traditions organized every five years.


Different kinds of choir surveys and competitions play a central role in the activity of Viihdekuoroliitto the jury is made up of prominent experts who give important feedback on the skills, strengths and challenges of the choirs.


The member choirs of Viihdekuoroliitto are actively giving concerts and specially during anniversaries great concerts are organized together with other member choirs. As its newest form of activity Viihdekuoroliitto organizes charity concerts whose proceeds are addressed to supporting of musical hobbies of disadvantaged children with stipends.


Viihdekuoroliitto gives away badges of merit to those persons and choirs that have been active among entertainment choir music for a long time, devoted to it and developed it.

In the limelight:

Viihdekuoroliitto has representation in the artistic committee of Sulasol and this way it can influence for its own part on the publications and import of the leading choral music publisher in Finland. We have also become more and more visible in all European choral life. At the national level the events guide of the website of the federation offers free advertisements and visibility to the concerts of its member choirs. Furthermore, Viihdekuoroliitto keeps a catalogue of recordings published by the member choirs to put these, for instance, at the disposal of the radio stations.



Rytmisen Kuoromusiikin Liitto ry | Kirjaudu